Guillermo Fornes

Guillermo Fornes (Bilbao, 1964) earned a degree in Psychology from Cardenal Cisneros University in Madrid in 1990 and Fine Arts at King’s College London. During his seven-year stay in the United Kingdom he set up his first studio in London and interacted with the local art community. He then moved across the globe, living in different cities around the world and opening studios in Hamburg, Benares, and Madrid. These experiences forged a cosmopolitan and intercultural artist whose work is based on his familiarity with different European and Eastern cultures.

Fornes’s early work at the BilbaoArte Foundation involved a large degree of experimentation with new painting techniques, something he continued to explore after his collaboration with the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao.


His works are inscribed with a poetics wherein expressive elements from traditional Eastern painting combine with neo-expressionist gestures, both interpreted from a conceptual aesthetics that reflects on the mechanisms of the language found in the expressive dynamics of contemporary art.


Discursively, his oeuvre—whose vocation is humanistic—reflects on the relationship between history, habitation, and material and spiritual culture as a support for an expanded pictorial subjectivity that aspires to extend the mechanisms of our perception in a world fractured by the extreme specificity of different spheres of knowledge.


In an oeuvre informed by symbolism and synthesis, the gesturality and expressive capacity of blotches contrast with the power of color. Opposites in dialogue with each other determine the conception of these deep paintings with profound messages, characterized by naturalness and an unpresumptuous poetics without intellectually distancing barriers.


In short, his work lies between antiquity and modernity and manages to convey its expressive and poetic charge through its own transparent, subtle gestural resources. Interested in experimentation and research into new supports and approaches, he carries out experimental work in expanded painting and Landart.


Fornes’s oeuvre has been exhibited in America and Europe, and is represented in major public and private collections, institutions and foundations.


Work in Private and Public Collections and Foundations:


Colección Olufsen

Colección Galdón Bruganola

Fundación Pablo Horstman

Fundación Alcazar

Fundación Fabian Fryns

Colección AENA

Colección Antonio Hernández Calleja

Fundación Nuevo Mundo

Fundación Pons

Colección Matt Scout

Fundación Franco Carreño

Centro de Arte Moderno y contemporáneo de Castilla- la Mancha

Fundación Deutsche Stiftung

Biblioteca Nacional

Colección Vivanco

Archivo de Grabado Contemporáneo, Madrid

Casa de la Moneda

Calcográfico Nacional

Colección Roberto Polo

Colección Credit Agricole

Colección BNP

Fundación Kaiku

Colección UNICEF

Fundación BBK

Colección FEVE

Ministerio de Transportes

Fundación Telefónica