Araminta Blue - Museum show at MARV Gradara, Italy

Il Calore sulla Pelle

gallery rosenfeld is delighted to announce  Araminta Blue's first institutional solo show at  the MARV Museum - Museo d'Arte Rubini Vesin in Gradara, Italy.


The exhibition will feature a selection of Blue’s most compelling works, including large-scale paintings and a selection of pieces from her past two major solo exhibitions at Gallery Rosenfeld. These past exhibitions delved into themes of movement, bodies, birth, and water. Blue's process involves utilising raw canvas and oil to create fragmented bodies that stretch across abstraction and figuration, capturing the fluidity and dynamism of human form and experience.


Gallery Rosenfeld is incredibly proud to support Araminta Blue in this major milestone of her career. Her ability to blend personal and universal narratives through her art is truly remarkable. This exhibition at MARV not only celebrates her achievements but also brings her poignant and thought-provoking works to a broader audience.


The show will run  from July 20th - 8th September 2024 

Museum address: via Umberto, Gradara PU, 61012, Italy

July 16, 2024