Blue treats the stretched canvas like a drawing on paper: The process of making the work is left open for the viewer to embark on their own journey. The artist combines delicate, dappled brushwork with scattered, dripping and splashing paint to express transformation between calm and chaos, restraint and freedom, protection and vulnerability. Whilst embracing the wreckage of time, the paintings, through light, colour and sensation radiate transformation and hope.
Gallery rosenfeld is delighted to present ‘Sun Wreck’, the second solo exhibition of British artist Araminta Blue.
These large-scale, immersive oil paintings take figuration to the extreme, such that they border on abstraction. Vivid light and rich colours are dispersed across the canvas through turbulent, fizzing water and sweeping figures.
‘For me these paintings are about hope, energy and colour; bursting out of shells, washed up in currents, plus air, light and warmth on skin’.
The artist explains her thoughts about this latest body of works. Certainly, in respect to her previous exhibition, the strength and brightness of colour has become bolder and filled with positivity and joy which is surely related to the wonders of new parenthood which the artist is currently experiencing to the full. This has awakened in the artist, extremes of sensation and emotion but coupled with hope and fear. Nature is ever-present in these works, particularly wind, water and light yet also birth and pain.
This exhibition then traveled to MARV Gradara in Italy in the summer of 2024.